Three engineering students in New Delhi, India created a GPS equipped device titled, Society Harnessing Equipment, S.H.E.
This device possesses the capability of sending an electric current of 3,800 kilovolts that will knock down sexual perpetrators and also notify police when activated.
I rage with Ms. Bhamra; although, the S.H.E. is a thoughtful invention that was created as an outcry from the recent gang rape and murder of a girl on a New Delhi public bus, it will never end rape culture. Again, as we have postulated in earlier blogs, rape culture is a societal issue, not a women's issue. The S.H.E. device 'may' prevent sexual assault, but I have a few other questions?
- How much does this device cost and when will it be on the international market?
- What about the women and girls who are being raped at home, which statistics reveal that most sexual assaults are committed by individuals who the victims know? What device will they have to prevent from being sexually assaulted?
- How can police officials guarantee to arrive at the scene in time to prevent the assault?
- Will women have enough time to get away from the perp once the individual is shocked?
I rage, not because the S.H.E. device lacks the potential to prevent some sexual assaults. I am truly impressed at the students' thoughtfulness and invention. I rage out of anger and disappointment because I know that every woman will not be afforded the opportunity to own a S.H.E. device. I fear the reality of knowing that around this globe women and girls may still be sexually assaulted. Why? Because the only thing that can end rape culture is for people to stop assaulting others. Rape dates further back than biblical times. No device or self-defense class will prevent the sole individual decision to honor self and others by following the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Wielding, raging, and re-framing,
Dr. Latisha Webb
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